Surgical billing modifier codes – Global period

Determining the Duration of a Global Period To determine the global period for major surgeries, count 1 day immediately before the day of the surgery, the day of surgery and the 90 days immediately following the day of surgery. For example, if the date of surgery is...

Surgical billing modifier codes

Surgical Modifiers Global Surgery Surgeons have traditionally provided a “ Global Package ” of care. Under this concept , surgeons bill a single fee for all services usually associated with the surgery. The implementation of the Medicare fee schedule under physician...

Ambulatory surgery center modifier SG

Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC) modifier SG Every ASC must file using the surgery code with the SG modifier. This identifies you are filing for the facility fee. If you file without the SG modi fier you may receive the fee schedule amount for the surgery instead of...

Healthcare HPSA modifiers

Health Professional Shortage Areas In 1988 Medicare began offering incentives to physicians who render services in medically deprived areas. Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA s) are divided into 2 types or classifications – urban and rural. The United...

Medical billing claims processing

Claims Processing  We should know what are steps involved in insurance claims processing to better understanding. Every insurance have their own software to process the claims but the process somewhat simillar. • Does the provider have a valid contract with...