000 ERROR: Provider’s specialty code
What this means: The rendering provider information is either incomplete or missing from the EDI system, or it doesn’t match what is being sent on the claim.
Provider action: Check the rendering provider. Is it present on the claim? Is it a provider you have already added to EDI?
Rejection Removal: Rejections will not be removed by EDI as they are valid.
Re-filing: Once this is corrected, you would want to re-file any
*Expired Tax ID Dr. XXXXXX
What this means: The tax ID and provider information that the payer has on file is not longer set up in the payer system.
Provider action: Please contact provider relations at insurance to make sure your provider information is active in their system,
Rejection Removal: Rejections will not be removed by EDI as they are valid.
Re-filing: Once this is corrected, you would want to re-file any claims that rejected for this reason.
*Wrong Name .
What this means: The provider name being sent on the claim is coming over in first name last name format, ASHN wants it in last name, first name format.
Provider action: Check the rendering provider. Is it present on the claim? How are you sending the name?
Rejection Removal: Rejections will not be removed by EDI as they are valid.
Re-filing: Once this is corrected, you would want to re-file any claims that rejected for this reason.
Null” or no rejection message
What this means: Claims submitted on 2/5/2013 may have rejected for “NULL” or with no error message.
Provider action: Check and see if you received any of these rejections for this payer in this time frame.
Rejection Removal: Rejections will be removed by EDI.
Re-filing: The payer will be reprocessing these claims.