•    Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
•    Alcohol Misuse Screening and Behavioral counseling Intervention in Primary Care
•    Annual Wellness Visit (Including Personalized Prevention Plan Services)
•    Bone Mass Measurements
•    Cancer Screenings
•    Breast Cancer (mammograms and clinical breast exam)
•    Cervical and Vaginal Cancer (pap test and pelvic exam [includes the clinical breast exam])
•    Colorectal Cancer
                 o    Fecal Occult Blood Test
                 o    Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
                 o    Colonoscopy
                 o    Barium Enema
•    Prostate (PSA blood test and Digital Rectal Exam)
•    Cardiovascular Disease Screening
•    Depression Screening in Adults
•    Diabetes Screening
•    Diabetes Self-Management Training
•    Glaucoma Screening
•    Hepatitis C Screening
•    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Screening
•    Immunizations (Seasonal Influenza, Pneumococcal, and Hepatitis B)
•    Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE) (also commonly referred to as the “Welcome to Medicare” Preventive Visit)
•    Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease
•    Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Obesity
•    Medical Nutrition Therapy (for beneficiaries with diabetes or renal disease)
•    Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Screening and High-Intensity Behavioral Counseling (HIBC) to prevent STIs
•    Tobacco-Use Cessation Counseling

As a result of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare now covers many of these services without cost to patients, including the Annual Wellness Visit that was created under the Affordable Care Act.