A: If you receive an overlap reason code, you can do one of the following:
• Verify your claims submitted through direct data entry (DDE) pdf file
• Option -1 (inquiry menu), then option -12 (claims summary), and key in the beneficiary’s health insurance claim (HIC) number, your provider number, and press enter
• Review the list of claims submitted to identify those with identical dates of service, and validate they were submitted accurately
• Verify eligibility for home health episodes and hospice election from the ELGA and/or ELGH screens
• Verify the beneficiary/eligibility tab submenu on the secure provider online tool (SPOT)
• Home health episode start and end date, and the servicing provider’s NPI
• Hospice election effective and termination date, revocation code and the servicing provider’s NPI
• Click here to learn more about the SPOT
• NPI registry lookup external link enables you to search for the provider’s information
• Verify additional eligibility information from the submenu on the interactive voice response (IVR)
• Hospice effective and termination dates (if applicable), and the servicing provider’s ID
• Home health effective and termination dates (if applicable), and the servicing provider’s ID
• Skilled nursing facility (SNF) effective and termination dates (if applicable), and the servicing provider’s ID