Aug 7, 2013 | Medical billing basics
To code accurately, it is necessary to have a working knowledge of medical terminology and to understand the characteristics, terminology and conventions of ICD-9-CM. ...
Aug 2, 2013 | Medical billing basics
HOSPICE Overview Hospice care is an alternative treatment approach that is based on recognition that impending death requires a change from curative treatment to palliative care for the terminally ill patient and support for the family. Palliative care focuses on...
Jul 29, 2013 | Medical billing basics
What is Hospice? Hospice is a program of care and support for people who are terminally ill. It is available as a benefit under Medicare Hospital Insurance (Part A). The focus of hospice is on care, not treatment or curing an illness. Emphasis ...
Jul 23, 2013 | Medical billing basics
Purpose: ** To optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients. ** Optimize drug therapies. ** Improve medication use. ** Reduce risk of adverse events and drug interactions. ** Increase patient adherence and compliance with prescription drugs. ** Identify...
Jul 17, 2013 | Medical billing basics
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) uses a five-star rating system to measure Medicare beneficiaries’ experience with their health plans and the health care...
Jul 11, 2013 | Medical billing basics
Claims Submission Claims are to be submitted to Simply Healthcare Plans with appropriate documentation by mail or filed electronically for CMS-1500 and UB-04 claims. For those members that may be assigned to a delegated medical group/IPA that does its own claims...