Aug 10, 2009 | Medical billing basics
CO Contraçtual Obligation. Amount for which the not be billed for this amount. The difference between billed amount and allowed amount. It should be written off.Patient esponsibility. Amount that may be billed to a patient another payer Usually deductible and coins....
Aug 8, 2009 | Medical billing basics
I have listed the common jobs in Medical billing and their average salary. Its basically in India and particularly in Chennai. 1. Fresher – Charge Entry or Insurance verification. Salary – 7k – 10k 2. 1 – 2 Year Experiance – Payment...
Aug 4, 2009 | Medical billing basics
ADCB-Global Service previously paid The procedure was covered as part of a previouslypaid procedure. The service is not payable as adistinct service.Use correct Modifier or take write off. ADMD-Invalid Modifier Code Submitted The modifier submitted is not appropriate...
Aug 3, 2009 | Medical billing basics
Medicare is a major insurance for most of the practices so we need to top of the Medicare denials and soultion for that denials. Herewith i have listed some Medicare EOB codes and we will see each and every reason codes in next post. Click the image to see the full...
Jul 31, 2009 | Medical billing basics
Hello Friensds, Here is the new enlgish videos.
Jul 31, 2009 | Medical billing basics
Referral: The Primary care physicians NPI number needs to be added whenever a specialist receives a patient only then will the Insurance pay. In this situation when the family doctor cannot treat the patient since he is not qualified in any particular field then he...
Jul 29, 2009 | Medical billing basics
MA120 Missing/incomplete/invalid CLIA certification number MA130: Your claim contains incomplete and/or invalid information, and no appeal rights are afforded because the claim is unprocessable. Please submit a new claim with the complete/correct information....
Jul 27, 2009 | Medical billing basics
Anesthesia modifiers must be used with anesthesia procedure codes to indicate whether the procedure was personally performed, medically directed, or medically supervised.AA- Anesthesia services personally performed by the anesthesiologist AD – Medical...
Jul 22, 2009 | Medical billing basics
Things required for Anesthesia billing. 1. Every cpt has base unit but this has not to be billed in the claims.2. Enter the time interval in claim notes field or box 19. As per the insurance requirement.Ex – Start time 19:00 End time 19:303. Units has to be...
Jul 21, 2009 | Medical billing basics
Medicaid denial codes.0253 Recipient ineligible for DOS will pend for upto 14 days It means, As of now patient is not eligible but patient may get enrolled with in 14 days. If its they will process or we need to bill patietnt.0482 Duplicate 0660 Other ins paid more...