May 6, 2008 | Medical billing basics
CMS, in collaboration with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), has requested clearinghouses that submit claims to Medicare to participate in a one day NPI preparation exercise. Specifically, on Wednesday, May 7, 2008, Clearing House will...
May 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
CPT CodesCPT stands for “current procedural terminology.” CPT codes are a set of codes developed several medical organizations in the United states for the purpose of helping the U.S. federal government to administer the health insurance program Medicare.CPT codes are...
May 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Charge-entry is one of the key departments in Medical Billing. Key department?? Yeah, that’s true. It is the keying-in department in Medical Billing. After receiving the super bills from the Doctor’s office, it gets passed through the coding & pre-coding...
May 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Welcome to one of the key functionalities, and the biggest department of Medical Billing, in other words, the Accounts Receivables (AR) Department. It is the pivot department, which makes the other departments revolve around it. It can also be called as the back-bone...
May 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Medical coding is one of the vital departments in Medical Billing, and Medical coders are one of the significant people, who make their important contribution to serve the purpose in Medical billing i.e. financial reimbursement from the insurance companies. Medical...
May 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
What we can do if the claim paid to wrong address Claims are created, filed with the insurance company, and the insurance company processes the claim, and pays on it as a clean claim. Where does this payment go? It should go to the correct pay-to-address of the...
May 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Example 1 You : Would you like to join us in the party tonight?Friends : Sure. You : Ok. See you at Peter’s house tonight at 9 pm. Example 2 You : Are you coming to the party tonight?Friend : I’m afraid not.You : How come?Friend : I have to study for an...
May 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Example 1 You : What’s wrong? Friend : I just broke up with my girlfriend You : Come on. It’s not the end of the world. You have to move on. Example 2 You : Have you seen John today? Friend : No. I havn’t. You : If you see him could you tell him to...
Apr 30, 2008 | Medical billing basics
All providers dont like one word what it is? Denied for timely filing This is one of the fatal denials in Medical Billing. This one is considered fatal because usually the insurance company’s ends up without paying on the claim if it denies it for this reason. This...
Apr 30, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Example 1 You : Excuse me. I’m looking for a book called “ABC”?A : Ok sir. The book is right over there. You : Thank you.A : You are welcome Example 2 You : Excuse me. Do you know where is the book department?A : Sure. Please follow me.You : Thank...