Aug 15, 2016 | Medical billing basics
PROVIDER COMMUNICATIONS 573-751-2896 MO HealthNet providers can contact the Provider Communications Unit with inquiries, concerns or questions regarding proper claim filing, claims resolution and disposition, and participant eligibility questions and verification. The...
Aug 13, 2016 | Medical billing basics
Requesting Coverage Interested parties with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval letters dated January 1, 2015 or later for IDE Category A or Category B studies that are seeking Medicare coverage for Category A or B IDE studies must submit a request packet to...
Aug 10, 2016 | Medical billing basics
For services furnished on or after January 1, 2004, do not allow payment for CPT code 99211, with or without modifier 25, if it is billed with a nonchemotherapy drug infusion code or a chemotherapy administration code. Apply this policy to code 99211 when it is billed...
Aug 8, 2016 | Medical billing basics
HCPCS Description Place of Service 36415 Routine venipuncture for collection of specimen(s) 11 – Office, 12 – Home 36416 Collection of capillary blood specimen 11 – Office, 12 – Home 59400 Vaginal delivery w/7 or more antepartum & postpartum 11 – Office, 12...
Aug 5, 2016 | Medical billing basics
Instruct physicians to follow the CPT coding instructions to report chemotherapy administration and nonchemotherapy injections and infusion services with the exception listed in subsection C for CPT code 90772. The physician should be aware of the following specific...
Aug 4, 2016 | Medical billing basics
(Inpatient Setting) If the total direct face-to-face time equals or exceeds the threshold time for code 99356, but is less than the threshold time for code 99357, the physician should bill the visit and code 99356. Contractors do not accept more than one unit of code...
Aug 3, 2016 | Medical billing basics
A therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic IV infusion or injection, other than hydration, is for the administration of substances/drugs. The fluid used to administer the drug (s) is incidental hydration and is not separately payable. If performed to facilitate the...
Jul 30, 2016 | Medical billing basics
General Codes for Chemotherapy administration and nonchemotherapy injections and infusions include the following three categories of codes in the American Medical Association’s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT): 1. Hydration; 2. Therapeutic, prophylactic, and...
Jul 28, 2016 | Medical billing basics
CPT/HCPCS Description 81025 Urine pregnancy test, by visual color comparison methods G9001 Coordinated care fee, initial rate G9005 Coordinated care fee, risk adjusted maintenance J9261 Injection, nelarabine, 50 mg S9213 Home management of preeclampsia, includes...
Jul 25, 2016 | Medical billing basics
Many Medial billing company struggles or failed to increase the revenue of Practice or Hospital. Here we have listed top ideas can implement which really increase the revenue of provider , practice or hospital whether its in house or Outsourced Medical Billing....