Definition of Emergency and Urgent Care Situations

Emergency services are defined as being services furnished to an individual who has an emergency medical condition as defined in 42 CFR 424.101. The CMS has adopted the definition of emergency medical condition in that section of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)....

Who can be called as physician ?

Definition of Physician/Practitioner For purposes of this provision, the term “physician” is limited to doctors of medicine; doctors of osteopathy; doctors of dental surgery or of dental medicine; doctors of podiatric medicine; and doctors of optometry who are legally...

What is Care Plan Oversight Services

Care Plan Oversight Services Care plan oversight is supervision of patients under care of home health agencies or hospices that require complex and multidisciplinary care modalities involving regular physician development and/or revision of care plans, review of...

concurrent care Medicare coverage

Concurrent Care Concurrent care exists where more than one physician renders services more extensive than consultative services during a period of time. The reasonable and necessary services of each physician rendering concurrent care could be covered where each is...

Does telephone services covered by Medicare?

Physician Services General Physician services are the professional services performed by a physician or physicians for a patient including diagnosis, therapy, surgery, consultation, and care plan oversight. The physician must render the service for the service to...

Medicare part B Covered services

The supplementary medical insurance plan covers expenses incurred for the following medical and other health services under Part B of Medicare: • Physician’s services, including surgery, consultation, office and institutional calls, and services and supplies furnished...