Nov 9, 2014 | Medical billing basics
CPT CODE and Description 97110 – Therapeutic procedure, one or more areas, each 15 minutes; therapeutic exercises to develop strength and endurance, range of motion and flexibility – average fee payment- $30 – $40 97113 – Therapeutic...
Oct 28, 2014 | Medical billing basics
The “payment floor” establishes a waiting period during which time the contractor may not pay, issue, mail, or otherwise finalize the initial determination on a clean claim. The “payment floor date” is the earliest day after receipt of the clean claim that payment may...
Oct 16, 2014 | Medical billing basics
Claims that do not meet the definition of “clean” claims are “other” claims. “Other” claims require investigation or development external to the carrier or FI’s Medicare operation on a prepayment basis. “Other” claims are those that are not approved by CWF for payment...
Oct 3, 2014 | Medical billing basics
The contractor must pay interest on clean, non-PIP (FIs) claims for which it does not make payment within the payment ceiling specified in §, provided payment is due on such claim. The interest rate and formula for calculation are shown above. The interest...
Sep 25, 2014 | Medical billing basics
How you can expedite your enrollment application process As the Medicare administrative contractor (MAC) for jurisdiction N (JN), First Coast Service Options Inc. (First Coast) is not only responsible for processing Medicare claims but also for processing enrollment...
Sep 19, 2014 | Medical billing basics
The Medicare Program The Original Medicare Program, also known as Fee-For-Service (FFS) Medicare, consists of: • Part A, hospital insurance; and • Part B, medical insurance. Under FFS Medicare, eligible individuals may enroll in Part A, Part B, or both Part A and Part...