Sep 4, 2014 | Medical billing basics
Payment ceilings were implemented for clean claims received by the carrier or FI on or after April 1, 1987. “Clean” claims must be paid or denied within the applicable number of days from their receipt date as follows: Time Period for Claims Received Applicable...
Aug 21, 2014 | Medical billing basics
An internal system processing issue has caused some surgical procedure codes billed with modifier 22 processed on/after January 1, 2014, to not allow any additional money above the fee schedule. First Coast Service Options (First Coast) is currently identifying the...
Aug 4, 2014 | Medical billing basics
The receipt date of a claim is the date the contractor receives the claim (provided the filing is in a format and contains data sufficiently complete so that the filing qualifies as a claim). The receipt date is used to: determine if the claim was timely filed ,...
Jul 21, 2014 | Medical billing basics
An internal system processing issue has caused some surgical procedure codes billed with modifier 22 processed on/after January 1, 2014, to not allow any additional money above the fee schedule. First Coast Service Options (First Coast) is currently...
Jul 9, 2014 | Medical billing basics
Medicaid claims that are secondary to insurance or Medicare coverage, including Medicare HMOs, may be billed electronically either through electronic vendors or through Molina’s web portal....
Jun 25, 2014 | Medical billing basics
ALL CMS PUP patient would be moved Medicare from June 1. We could submit the claim to Medicare and get paid See the below notice form PUP.