How to Buy Good Medical Billing Books

There are an overwhelming number of medical billing books available in the market today.  The electronic types, popularly known as eBooks are gaining more attention because it can easily be downloaded through the internet.  No matter how interesting the...

Service covered under Newborn Care

Newborn Care Provide the highest level of care for the newborn beginning immediately after birth. Such level of care shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) Instilling of prophylactic eye medications into each eye of the newborn; (2) When the mother...

What is Second Medical Opinion service

Requests for a Second Medical Opinion Second Opinion is a consultation by a physician other than the member’s Primary Care Physician, whose specialty is appropriate to the need, and whose services are obtained when the member disputes the appropriateness or necessity...

Does Emergency Services require Authorization ?

Emergency Services Emergency services are not subject to prior authorization requirements and are available to our members 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. An emergency medical condition is a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of...