List of procedure – Authorization required

All of the following procedures and services require Prior Plan Notification and must be provided in a SHP participating facility*: o Inpatient and Observation Admissions, as noted above o Admission to any rehabilitation and skilled nursing facility o All surgical...

Understand Prior Authorization – Full details

Prior Authorizations: Prior authorization (pre-service requests) allows for the use of quality, cost-efficient covered health care services and helps to ensure that effective transition of care planning is done so that members receive the most appropriate level of...

Medical Billing: An Introduction

The need for well-experienced professionals in the health and medical industry increases every single day.  The reason behind this is that the Healthcare industry is so large and it covers an extensive area of technological equipment and procedures.  In...

what is Children Medical Services (CMS)?

Children Medical Services (CMS) Children with special health care needs are those children under age 21 whose serious or chronic physical or developmental conditions require extensive preventive and maintenance care beyond that required by typically healthy children....