Consultation code update from UHC

Consultation Code Update UnitedHealthcare is aware of and has reviewed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’(CMS) decision as of January 1, 2010 to no longer reimburse physicians for CPT consultationcodes 99241-99245 or 99251-99255. In summary, CMS instructs...

What is icd 9 diagnosis codes

Common Coding RequirementsAll claims must include the proper ICD-9-CM diagnostic code.The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides specific guidelines to aid instandardizing U.S. coding practices. The guidelines for outpatient facilities, physician...

coordination of benefits (COB)

Coordination of Benefits Other health insurance coverage information is important in the coordination of benefits (COB) process. COB occurs when a member is covered by two or more insurance plans. You can assist in the COB process by asking your Blue Cross patients if...

Anesthesia Billing CPT codes

ANESTHESIA CODE RANGES 00100 – 00222 Head 00300 – 00352 Neck 00400 – 00474 Thorax 00500 – 00580 Intrathoracic 00600 – 00670 Spine and Spinal Cord 00700 – 00797 Upper Abdomen 00800 – 00882 Lower Abdomen 00902 – 00952...
Payment posting process in Medical billing

Payment posting process in Medical billing

When an ERA is received, providers may: •Post decision and payment information automatically, for individual claims included in an RA to the appropriate beneficiary accounts when a compatible provider accounts receivable software application is being used; •Identify...

Medicare Remittance Advice

WhAt Is An RA? A Remittance Advice (RA) is a notice of payments and adjustments sent to providers, billers, and suppliers. After a claim has been received and processed, a Medicare contractor produces the RA, which may serve as a companion to a claim payment(s) or as...

CPT codes List

CPT Organization The procedures and services and their identifying codes are in numerical order within the book with the exception of the Evaluation and Management section. This section is located in the front of the CPT book because the codes are used more...

General Coding Terminology

General Coding Terminology Abscess A localized collection of pus in any part of the body. Absorption The process of nutrients passing from the intestine into the blood stream, Action tremor A type of tremor that occurs during voluntary movements, Such as lifting a cup...

What is CPT and HCPCS

What is CPT?• listing of descriptive terms and five-digit, numeric codes for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians. • provides a uniform language to accurately designate medical, surgical and diagnostic services. • serves as an effective...

Medical billing CPT codes – E series

ambulation devices E0153-E0159artificial kidney and machine (see also ESRD) E1510-E1699Air fluidized bed E0194Ambulation device E0100-E0159pneumatic E0655-E0673kidney machines and accessories (see also Dialysis) E1510-E1699chair E0240transfer rail E0246air fluidized...