Mar 21, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Everybody accept Medicare is Medical billing. Here are some tips.What is the Medicare Summary Notice(MSN)? (04/01/04)The MSN, a statement Medicare sends to beneficiaries, summarizes all of your inpatient and outpatient claims information processed by the Medicare...
Mar 21, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Can we submit secondary claims electronically?Today world is everything is electronic, world moves towards no more paper but the difficult one is submitting secondary claims. Still we submit the claims by paper but it seems to be changing.Each state has different...
Mar 18, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Hospital Deductible: $1024 / benefit periodHospital Coinsurance:Days 0-60: $0Days 61-90: $256 / dayDays 91-150: $512 / daySkilled Nursing Facility CoinsuranceDays 0-20: $0Days 21-100: $128 / dayPart A Premium (for voluntary enrollees only):Base Premium (BP): $423 /...
Mar 12, 2008 | Medical billing basics
How Can we appeal on Medicare? Medicare Appeals Forms You can view and print appeal forms online by accessing the links below. All of the forms are Adobe Acrobat version 5.0 accessible or in text only format. You will need Adobe Reader software to view the files....
Mar 12, 2008 | Medical billing basics
We often see the word LCD in the Medicare EOB. what it is?Appeals of Local Coverage DeterminationsWhat is a “Local Coverage Determination” (LCD)?Medicare Carriers and Fiscal Intermediaries (FIs) are private companies that Medicare contracts with to pay...
Mar 12, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Medicare CoveragePart B helps cover medically-necessary services like doctors’ services, outpatient care, and other medical services that Part A doesn’t cover. Part B also covers some preventive services.Covered Services and ItemsSubject to certain restrictions,...
Mar 4, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Another list of Important insurance websites.Progressive Insurance State Farm Tricare Triwest...
Mar 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Mar 2, 2008 | Medical billing basics
Here are some important Medical billing terms and explanations.ReferralThe Primary care physicians UPIN number needs to be added whenever a specialist receives a patient only then will the Insurance pay. In this situation when the family doctor cannot treat the...
Feb 27, 2008 | Medical billing basics
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