Glossary N – P

What is Non-Participating.In this scenario then the AR needs to identify if out-of-network benefits would be given to a particular patient under this Insurance in some cases the Insurance does not pay for out of network benefits, whereas in other instances there is a...

W9 Form

Hi Friends,Click the following link to download W9 form. postingMedicare paymentMedical billing concept – Type of paymentsCash posting process

Glossary D-M

What is Durable Medical Equipment Equipment that can withstand repeated use, is primarily and usually used to serve a medical purpose, is generally not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury, and is appropriate for use in the home. To be covered,...

Glossary (A-C)

What is ABN(Advance Beneficiary Notice) (Waiver of Liability)A written notice given to the patient by the Provider in advance of any service or supply furnished for which payment may be denied or reduced by Medicare as not reasonable and medically necessary. This...


Know about Medicare• Medicare EOB• Payment Floor• Waiver of Liability• Crossover• Freelook (Medigap)• Development letterMedicare EOB:Medicare used to mail Remittance Advice (RA) to providers and the patient receives a Beneficiary RA. RA has been replaced by Medicare...

Glossary – Payments

In Medical billing payment related terms are very important for follow up with insurances.Payments• Deductible• Explanation of Benefits (EOB)• Bundled Payment• Transaction Control Number (TCN)• Rejection & Reviews• Out of Pocket ExpensesDeductible:The amount of...

States of United State

UNITED STATES AND ITS CODES Alabama ALAlaska AKAmerican Samoa ASArizona AZArkansas ARCalifornia CAColorado COConnecticut CTDelaware DEDistrict of Columbia DCFederated States of Micronesia FMFlorida FLGeorgia GAGuam GUHawaii HIIdaho IDIllinois ILIndiana INIowa IAKansas...

Glossary – Basic

The Glossary of Insurance and Medical Billing TermsICD-9A 3 to 5-digit number code describing a diagnosis or medical procedure.Inpatient A patient who is admitted to a hospital and receives medical services from a physician during at least a 24-hour period.In-Network...

Useful provider related links

Useful Websites UPIN search Engine Application online numbers are required for insurance billing specifically for referral...

What is ClearingHouses ?

In Medical billing Clearinghouses are a major part of a billing service’s ability to conduct business. Your professionalism and reputation depend on aligning yourself with a reputable clearinghouse.What exactly does a clearinghouse do? Well, for one thing, they...