Billing provider

What is Billing provider Billing Provider is nothing but what we entered in the 33 Field of HCFA. It may be a Group name or practice name or individual physician name which is depends upon how the particular entity registered in the insurance In box 33, please enter...

Denial code CO 22 & 109 and CO 24, CO 120

CO 22 and 109 This care may be covered by another payer per coordination of benefits. Claim not covered by this payer/contractor. You must send the claim to the correct payer/contractor. Submit the claims to Primary carrier. If patient said there is no primary...

Medicaid claim submission address

Maryland Medicaid P.O. Box 1935. Baltimore, MD 21203 Michigan Medicaid  PO BOX 30238. LANSING MI 48909 Minnesota Medicaid claim P.O. Box 64166. St. Paul, MN 55164 Mississippi Medicaid claim P. O. Box 23076. Jackson, MS 39225-3076 Montana Medicaid claim P. O. Box...

Medical insurance billing

The physician doesn’t get paid for his services immediately after they are rendered. Majority of the patients have insurance coverage and details of such coverage are provided to the physician before treatment. It is the responsibility of the physician to submit...

CMS 1500 claim form billing instruction

CMS-1500 Complete reviewCMS – 1500 form has 33 Fields and it has some uni Claim Form The upper right margin of the claim form should not be used. This area of the claim form is used by the carrier. Any obstructions in this area will hinder timely and accurate...

Medical billing process

What is the overall billing process? After the provider renders services to the patient, the billing company will submit bills to the insurance company/ payer, using the insurance information that was last provided, as well as information about the reason for the...

Medicaid Address and phone number

Medicaid of Arizona P. O. Box 1700, Phoenix, AZ 85002 1-800-962-6690 Medical of California P.O. Box 13029 Sacramento, CA 95813-4029 1-800-952-5294 State of Connecticut Medicaid P.O. Box 2991. Hartford, CT 06104 Alabama Medicaid PO Box 5624 Montgomery, AL Delaware...

What is CPT Modifiers and why we use CPT modifiers?

CPT Modifiers • two-digit numeric modifiers reported in CPT* • modifier descriptions listed in Appendix A and in the guidelines of each major section • two-character alpha HCPCS modifiers used in certain situations to describe a modification to the procedure performed...

Anesthesia Billing

Anesthesia Billing • Administration of anesthesia reported with five-digit CPT anesthesia procedure codes(00100 – 01999) plus modifier codes.• Do not use surgery codes.• Codes grouped anatomically by area. Many surgical codes may be included in one...